Marlana Brown has a fascinating job in the California desert as an Encroachment Planner with an environmental consulting company called Marstel-Day LLC. ( based out of Fredericksburg, VA but with offices at several locations. She works at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC, in Twentynine Palms, CA which is about three hours drive from Los Angeles and focuses on compatible land use developments, community relations, and economic development analysis. MCAGCC is a 24/7 live-fire military base for Marines training for Afghanistan and Iraq. Her job is to work with the surrounding communities to ensure that any subsequent developments do not conflict with the Marines' ability to "train as they fight." She has used almost every aspect of her Urban Planning Degree including Land Use Planning, Economics, Development Finance and Physical Planning. In Marlana's words, "Through my experience as the Treasurer of UPPSA (2007-2008), I gained strength in budget management, leadership and organization. I truly believe that this experience added to my ability to secure gainful employment within months after obtaining my MUPP."
UPPSA elections for the 2009-2010 academic year are around the corner! Remember to take a look at the UPPSA Constitution for position descriptions. Watch your email for more details or ask an UPPSA board member.