Sunday, January 30, 2011

UPPSA Presidential Roundup- January 30th

UPPSA Board Elections- It’s just the beginning of the semester but UPPSA will soon hold its annual board member elections in
soon. We will hold information sessions for students interested in running for board positions this Wednesday, February 2nd from 4
6pm in the CUPPAH graduate lounge (basement) and from 5-6pm on Tuesday, February 8th from 5-6pm in Lecture Center C (where
505 meets). You can learn about the process in the appendix to the UPPSA constitution at
documents.html. If you have questions regarding the process please email us at
· 2010 Urban Innovation Symposium- Friday, February 4th Make sure to sign up for the Urban Innovation Symposium, this Friday, Feb 4th. More info can be found on the UPPSA website
CUPPA Blood Drive on February 3rd- The Healthy CUPPA Committee along with the UIC Blood Donor Center is sponsoring a Blood Drive: Date: Thursday, 02/03/2011, Place: Room 110 CUPPA HALL 412 S. Peoria Street, Time: 10am to 3pm. Please visit the Dean's Office (Rm 115 CUPPAH) or email for eligibility requirements and/or to sign up.
· UPPSA Membership- For those students new to the program, those who have been around for a while but haven’t become members and students who became members last spring, enrollment in the Urban Planning and Policy Student Association is open during the first month of the spring semester. Visit to download the membership form. Return it and your check for $15 to Ann Barnds or any UPPSA board member to enroll or renew your membership. Membership benefits include higher reimbursement rates for approved conference travel, the annual UPPSA gift, and the satisfaction of being a part of one of UIC’s most dynamic and good-looking student associations. Email us at with any questions.
· APA National Conference 2011 in Boston Massachusetts April 9-12- The American Planning Association National Conference is right around to corner. Check out the APA website for details on speakers, programs, and student opportunities.
Early registration ends February 10, 2011 so sign up early to save money, or apply to be a student volunteer for a $100 refund if you are an APA Student Member.
UPPSA will be providing more information regarding accommodations, travel, and partial reimbursement in the next few weeks! Join us for a greatnetworking and learning opportunity!
· Book Exchange- As this semester is ending, a new one is going to begin shortly. Don’t forget to sell your books for some extra holiday cash, or rent them out, if you are attached to them. UPPSA book exchange in online! Go to to post your books.

· Academic or Assistantship Advocacy- Any MUPPs with concerns about department-wide academic issues are encouraged to contact UPPSA at with your feedback about the program. The Board of UPPSA meets regularly with the UPP department and the Dean of CUPPA. Let us be your advocate. Also, for those students with assistantships, UPPSA President Bob Fuller is also the Graduate Employee Organization (GEO) steward for CUPPAH. If you feel you have been treated unfairly in your assistantship (Teaching, Graduate or Research) feel free to contact him at to get connected with the GEO’s grievance resources.

· If you have important news for fellow MUPPs and you would like it included in the President’s Weekly Roundup and/or on the UPPSA website email by 2 p.m. each Sunday.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Spring Economic Development Committee Notes

Classes to be offered next year:

Fall 11:

Ashton: UPP 205, UPA Capstone
Drucker: UPP 531, possibly 502
Parker: UPP 501, 588
Theodore: UPP 594, UPP 536 (Workforce Development - possibly adjunct Marc Doussard)
Weber: UPP 535 Dealmaking, possiblyl 583, 533, or 500

Spring 12:

Ashton: UPP 541, UPP 594 (Community Reinvestment)
Drucker: UPP 530, possibly 500, 502, UPA 306
Parker: UPA 308, UPP 493 (Gender and the City), possibly 501 or 540
Theodore: possibly UPA 308, an International Development Course or UPA 308
Weber: Undecided

UPP 533 may be taught by an adjunct next year, and there are plans to offer Commercial Strip Revitalization next year as well.

***Given the two new profs that will be brought on for next year, decisions for who will be teaching core classes are still undecided, so the classes listed above are not set in stone yet.

Classes that may be in the works if there is an interest in them:

Innovations Elective - Drucker
Market Analysis course (not necessarily in ED) - adjunct Linda Goodman

Possible Studios:

Village of West Chester Economic Development Project

Rosenwald Apartments (Chicago) - ULI has created a technical assistance panel program to assist and advise on land use and real estate development issues for this development. Might be used as a case study in UPP 533

Connect to Jobs and Internships- UPPSA Presidential Roundup- January 23rd

• Networking Event for Current and Recent Students- The CUPPA Alumni Association's Student Alumni Connections Committee is hosting the 2011 Career Prep Event for students on Friday, February 25th. This popular event allows students to brush up their resume and improve interview skills prior to job hunting season. This is a great opportunity for alumni to help students prepare for their career andstay involved with CUPPA. The event will kick off at CUPPA Hall at 3:00pm followed by a networking social at Jak's Tap. More details to come.
• UPPSA Board Elections- It’s just the beginning of the semester but UPPSA will soon hold its annual board member elections. Be on the look-out for information helpful if you are interested in running for President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary. You can learn about the process in the appendix to the UPPSA constitution at We expect to hold an open house for prospective candidates at the beginning of February. If you have questions regarding the process please email us at
• 2010 Urban Innovation Symposium- Friday, February 4th A day–long, 3–part event bringing together pioneering professionals from various industries for a series of interactive discussions and presentations on recent innovations in urban development, technology, and culture. RSVP at as space is filling up quickly.
Opening Session (1pm, Location: UIC Student Center East (Room 602), 750 S. Halsted St.)
Introductory Presentations from: Aaron Renn of Urbanophile, Marcia Caton Campbell of the Center for Resilient Cities, James Patchett of the Conservation Design Forum, Associate Dean Annette Valenta of UIC's Health Informatics and Technology program, Elise Zelechowski of the Delta Institute, And More...
Breakout Session (3pm, Location: TBA)
Innovators hold 1 hour long discussion seminars with symposium attendants
Pecha Kucha/Networking (6:30pm, Location: TBA)
7 minute multimedia presentations from emerging innovators; Dave Snyder of the Chicago Rarities Orchard Project, Jamie Simone of the Wicker Park Business Chamber, Kyle Smith of the Center for Neighborhood Technology
Refreshments Included. Stay tuned for more information!
• CUPPA Blood Drive on February 3rd- The Healthy CUPPA Committee along with the UIC Blood Donor Center is sponsoring a Blood Drive: Date: Thursday, 02/03/2011, Place: Room 110 CUPPA HALL 412 S. Peoria Street, Time: 10am to 3pm. Please visit the Dean's Office (Rm 115 CUPPAH) or email for eligibility requirements and/or to sign up.
• UPPSA Membership- For those students new to the program, those who have been around for a while but haven’t become members and students who became members last spring, enrollment in the Urban Planning and Policy Student Association is open during the first month of the spring semester. Visit to download the membership form. Return it and your check for $15 to Ann Barnds or any UPPSA board member to enroll or renew your membership. Membership benefits include higher reimbursement rates for approved conference travel, the annual UPPSA gift, and the satisfaction of being a part of one of UIC’s most dynamic and good-looking student associations. Email us at with any questions.
• APA National Conference 2011 in Boston Massachusetts April 9-12- The American Planning Association National Conference is right around to corner. Check out the APA website for details on speakers, programs, and student opportunities.
Early registration ends February 10, 2011 so sign up early to save money, or apply to be a student volunteer for a $100 refund if you are an APA Student Member.
UPPSA will be providing more information regarding accommodations, travel, and partial reimbursement in the next few weeks! Join us for a greatnetworking and learning opportunity!
• American Planning Association- Chicago Metro Section Networking Event- Thursday, January 27th, 5:30-7:30pm at Jak’s Tap- Join fellow Chicago area planners for a fun networking opportunity to meet your peers in the profession, or reacquaint with familiar faces. We are bringing together planners from every stage of planning careers, from seasoned professionals to those new to the profession. This reception is also an opportunity for members participating in the Illinois Chapter Mentoring program to meet with students and recent graduates.
Please e-mail by January 21st, please include the number of years of experience you have as a planner or if you are currently a student.
• Book Exchange- As this semester is ending, a new one is going to begin shortly. Don’t forget to sell your books for some extra holiday cash, or rent them out, if you are attached to them. UPPSA book exchange in online! Go to to post your books.
• Academic or Assistantship Advocacy- Any MUPPs with concerns about department-wide academic issues are encouraged to contact UPPSA at with your feedback about the program. The Board of UPPSA meets regularly with the UPP department and the Dean of CUPPA. Let us be your advocate. Also, for those students with assistantships, UPPSA President Bob Fuller is also the Graduate Employee Organization (GEO) steward for CUPPAH. If you feel you have been treated unfairly in your assistantship (Teaching, Graduate or Research) feel free to contact him at to get connected with the GEO’s grievance resources.
• If you have important news for fellow MUPPs and you would like it included in the President’s Weekly Roundup and/or on the UPPSA website email by 2 p.m. each Sunday.

Monday, January 17, 2011

UPPSA Presidential Roundup- January 17th

• General Assembly and Transit Oriented Dining- On Friday, January 21st UPPSA will hold the first GA/TOD of the new semester at Paul Zakopane Harnas Restaurant, known for its fine central-European faire. We will meet at 6pm, have brief update of UPPSA news and then socialize. This will be a great opportunity for new MUPPs to meet returning MUPPs, for folks to catch up with fellow students as the new semester kicks off. Please RSVP at Email if you have suggestions for future TOD locations.
• UPPSA Board Elections- It’s just the beginning of the semester but UPPSA will soon hold its annual board member elections. Be on the look-out for information helpful if you are interested in running for President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary. You can learn about the process in the appendix to the UPPSA constitution at In the meantime, UPPSA is looking for 2-3 people to aid the board in running a free and fair election. If you are not interested in running for office or are ineligible to run (will graduate before Spring 2012 or will not be on campus for all of Academic Year 2012), please consider serving in this very important role. If you are interested please email Bob at
• 2010 Urban Innovation Symposium- Friday, February 4th A day–long, 3–part event bringing together pioneering professionals from various industries for a series of interactive discussions and presentations on recent innovations in urban development, technology, and culture. RSVP at as space is filling up quickly.
Opening Session (1pm, Location: UIC Student Center East (Room 602), 750 S. Halsted St.)
Introductory Presentations from: Aaron Renn of Urbanophile, Marcia Caton Campbell of the Center for Resilient Cities, James Patchett of the Conservation Design Forum, Associate Dean Annette Valenta of UIC's Health Informatics and Technology program, Elise Zelechowski of the Delta Institute, And More...
Breakout Session (3pm, Location: TBA)
Innovators hold 1 hour long discussion seminars with symposium attendants
Pecha Kucha/Networking (6:30pm, Location: TBA)
7 minute multimedia presentations from emerging innovators; Dave Snyder of the Chicago Rarities Orchard Project, Jamie Simone of the Wicker Park Business Chamber, Kyle Smith of the Center for Neighborhood Technology
Refreshments Included. Stay tuned for more information!
• CUPPA Blood Drive on February 3rd- The Healthy CUPPA Committee along with the UIC Blood Donor Center is sponsoring a Blood Drive: Date: Thursday, 02/03/2011, Place: Room 110 CUPPA HALL 412 S. Peoria Street, Time: 10am to 3pm. Please visit the Dean's Office (Rm 115 CUPPAH) or email for eligibility requirements and/or to sign up.
• UPPSA Membership- For those students new to the program, those who have been around for a while but haven’t become members and students who became members last spring, enrollment in the Urban Planning and Policy Student Association is open during the first month of the spring semester. Visit to download the membership form. Return it and your check for $15 to Ann Barnds or any UPPSA board member to enroll or renew your membership. Membership benefits include higher reimbursement rates for approved conference travel, the annual UPPSA gift, and the satisfaction of being a part of one of UIC’s most dynamic and good-looking student associations. Email us at with any questions.
• APA National Conference 2011 in Boston Massachusetts April 9-12- The American Planning Association National Conference is right around to corner. Check out the APA website for details on speakers, programs, and student opportunities.
Early registration ends February 10, 2011 so sign up early to save money, or apply to be a student volunteer for a $100 refund if you are an APA Student Member.
UPPSA will be providing more information regarding accommodations, travel, and partial reimbursement in the next few weeks! Join us for a greatnetworking and learning opportunity!
• American Planning Association- Chicago Metro Section Networking Event- Thursday, January 27th, 5:30-7:30pm at Jak’s Tap- Join fellow Chicago area planners for a fun networking opportunity to meet your peers in the profession, or reacquaint with familiar faces. We are bringing together planners from every stage of planning careers, from seasoned professionals to those new to the profession. This reception is also an opportunity for members participating in the Illinois Chapter Mentoring program to meet with students and recent graduates.
Please e-mail by January 21st, please include the number of years of experience you have as a planner or if you are currently a student.
• MUPP Committee Representative- We need a first year who is interested in helping
UPPSA attend these faculty meetings that specifically discuss the MUPP experience.. Topics include course development and hiring of professors. A 1st year MUPP would be an ideal candidate since they will be working with the department going forward and any changes might directly affect them and their student body. Email to express interest.
• Be the MUPP Representative to the Graduate Student Council- An opportunity to serve as the MUPP representative to the GSC, UIC’s graduate student representative body, has opened up. In an ongoing effort to get as many MUPPs involved in representing the student association and keeping the student body well-informed. Meetings take place the second Thursday of each month between now and May from 5pm to 7pm. This opportunity is open to all MUPPs who can attend this monthly meeting and will be able to coordinate with the UPPSA leadership. If you are interested please send a brief statement of interest to Thank you to Joe van Dyk who served in this position during the fall semester.
• Book Exchange- As this semester is ending, a new one is going to begin shortly. Don’t forget to sell your books for some extra holiday cash, or rent them out, if you are attached to them. UPPSA book exchange in online! Go to to post your books.
• Academic or Assistantship Advocacy- Any MUPPs with concerns about department-wide academic issues are encouraged to contact UPPSA at with your feedback about the program. The Board of UPPSA meets regularly with the UPP department and the Dean of CUPPA. Let us be your advocate. Also, for those students with assistantships, UPPSA President Bob Fuller is also the Graduate Employee Organization (GEO) steward for CUPPAH. If you feel you have been treated unfairly in your assistantship (Teaching, Graduate or Research) feel free to contact him at to get connected with the GEO’s grievance resources.
• If you have important news for fellow MUPPs and you would like it included in the President’s Weekly Roundup and/or on the UPPSA website email by 2 p.m. each Sunday.
Have a great week,
Bob Fuller
President- UPPSA

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An Invitation from our planning friends in Amsterdam


I'm a member of the Amsterdam Student Association of Planning (ASAP) and your organization helped us to orginize activities on our studie trip to Chicago in the summer of 2009. We are currently organising an international symposium with Susans Fainstein as keynote speaker and her 'Just City' concept as the main theme. The symposium provides an interactive program through workshops. The cases of the workshop are the Zuidas (South axis business district), the reprofiling of the red light district and the Overhoeks redevelopment project. I believe this symposium offers an unique opportunity for students interested in urban planning and form to apply the learned theory in practice. And the symposium is attracting students from all over the world, so we are confident on a fruitful transfer of knowledge.
With this e-mail I would like to invite you to our symposium and ask you to help us promote our symposium by forwarding the information below. Furthermore, I hope our associations will continue to cooperate when the occasion occurs.

Many thanks,

Jasper van Dongen

Amsterdam: Just City?

The Amsterdam Student Association of Planning organizes a symposium about the Just City concept from Susan Fainstein. This professor from the Harvard University is our keynote-speaker. She observes a slow decay of Amsterdam as a 'just city'. Can Amsterdam remain a Just City while globalization forces cities to adopt neo-liberal policies? What are the conclusions for other European cities? The symposium takes four days in February and students can join workshops, lectures and explore the city of Amsterdam. The workshop cases are the Zuidas (South Axis business district), the Overhoeks redevelopment project and the reprofiling of the red light district. This event will take place on February 14-17. Visit the Website and check out the Brochure for more information. Email to to register or help us advertise!


A brief preview of the program:

Monday: You may check in at the hostel from 15:00. This is followed by a canal cruise through Amsterdam to introduce the participants to the city and each other. After dinner it is time for the opening of the symposium, with the first key-note speaker Eric Corijn, who is going to outline the conditions of the network society that effect today’s urban planning practices. After a brief discussion on the subject this day's program ends with the opportunity of informal drinks.

Tuesday: The morning will start with a lecture at the university that outlines the Dutch planning tradition and the context of Amsterdam. After the lunch you will be introduced to your workshop assignment with a site visit and by attending a presentation on the project. After dinner it is time for the main lecture of Fainstein on the Just City concept and her view on Amsterdam. Justus Uitermark, criticizer of Fainstein's theories, will react on her speech. Afterwards there is an opportunity, like the evening before, to socialize.

Wednesday: The Wednesday starts of with an optional visit to a museum. After noon you will start working out the assignment with your workgroup. For this, there will be a teacher of the university present to assist with any questions about the material and assignment. In the evening the Physical Planning Department of Amsterdam (Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening, or DRO) will provide a lecture on the Structural Vision: Amsterdam 2040. This plan is a statutory planning instrument. It is a long-term strategy and implementation package in which choices are made regarding the functions of living, working, recreation, accessibility, social amenities and sustainability.

Thursday: On this final day of the symposium the workgroups write a small essay on their assignment and prepare a short presentation. The assignment will be about analyzing the case of your workshop within the Amsterdams structural vision by using the Just City concept as an analytical framework. The groups give a short presentation on their findings at the end of the afternoon. There will be a prize contest for the best proposal and all reviews will be bundled into one 'treaty for Amsterdam'. The symposium will be closed on a happy note with a closing dinner and party.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10th Presidential Roundup

• UPPSA Board Elections- It’s just the beginning of the semester but UPPSA will soon hold its annual board member elections. Be on the look-out for information helpful if you are interested in running for President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary. You can learn about the process in the appendix to the UPPSA constitution at In the meantime, UPPSA is looking for 2-3 people to aid the board in running a free and fair election. If you are not interested in running for office or are ineligible to run (will graduate before Spring 2012 or will not be on campus for all of Academic Year 2012), please consider serving in this very important role. If you are interested please email Bob at
• 2010 Urban Innovation Symposium- Friday, February 4th A day–long, 3–part event bringing together pioneering professionals from various industries for a series of interactive discussions and presentations on recent innovations in urban development, technology, and culture.
Opening Session (1pm, Location: UIC Student Center East (Room 602), 750 S. Halsted St.)
Introductory Presentations from: Aaron Renn of Urbanophile, Marcia Caton Campbell of the Center for Resilient Cities, James Patchett of the Conservation Design Forum, Associate Dean Annette Valenta of UIC's Health Informatics and Technology program, Elise Zelechowski of the Delta Institute, And More...
Breakout Session (3pm, Location: TBA)
Innovators hold 1 hour long discussion seminars with symposium attendants
Pecha Kucha/Networking (6:30pm, Location: TBA)
7 minute multimedia presentations from emerging innovators; Dave Snyder of the Chicago Rarities Orchard Project, Jamie Simone of the Wicker Park Business Chamber, Kyle Smith of the Center for Neighborhood Technology
Refreshments Included.
Go to for more info!
• General Assembly and Transit Oriented Dining- On Friday, January 21st UPPSA will hold the first GA/TOD of the new semester. The location is yet to be determined but we will meet at 6pm, have brief update of UPPSA news and then socialize. This will be a great opportunity for new MUPPs to meet returning MUPPs, for folks to catch up with fellow students as the new semester kicks off. We’ll keep you posted for the location of this meeting. Email if you have suggestions for this or future TOD locations.
• UPPSA Membership- For those students new to the program, those who have been around for a while but haven’t become members and students who became members last spring, enrollment in the Urban Planning and Policy Student Association is open during the first month of the spring semester. Visit to download the membership form. Return it and your check for $15 to Ann Barnds or any UPPSA board member to enroll or renew your membership. Membership benefits include higher reimbursement rates for approved conference travel, the annual UPPSA gift, and the satisfaction of being a part of one of UIC’s most dynamic and good-looking student associations. Email us at with any questions.
• APA National Conference 2011 in Boston Massachusetts April 9-12- The American Planning Association National Conference is right around to corner. Check out the APA website for details on speakers, programs, and student opportunities.
Early registration ends February 10, 2011 so sign up early to save money, or apply to be a student volunteer for a $100 refund if you are an APA Student Member.
UPPSA will be providing more information regarding accommodations, travel, and partial reimbursement in the next few weeks! Join us for a greatnetworking and learning opportunity!
• American Planning Association- Chicago Metro Section Networking Event- Thursday, January 27th, 5:30-7:30pm at Jak’s Tap- Join fellow Chicago area planners for a fun networking opportunity to meet your peers in the profession, or reacquaint with familiar faces. We are bringing together planners from every stage of planning careers, from seasoned professionals to those new to the profession. This reception is also an opportunity for members participating in the Illinois Chapter Mentoring program to meet with students and recent graduates.
Please e-mail by January 21st, please include the number of years of experience you have as a planner or if you are currently a student.
• Be the MUPP Representative to the Graduate Student Council- An opportunity to serve as the MUPP representative to the GSC, UIC’s graduate student representative body, has opened up. In an ongoing effort to get as many MUPPs involved in representing the student association and keeping the student body well-informed. Meetings take place the second Thursday of each month between now and May from 5pm to 7pm. This opportunity is open to all MUPPs who can attend this monthly meeting and will be able to coordinate with the UPPSA leadership. If you are interested please send a brief statement of interest to Thank you to Joe van Dyk who served in this position during the fall semester.
• Book Exchange- As this semester is ending, a new one is going to begin shortly. Don’t forget to sell your books for some extra holiday cash, or rent them out, if you are attached to them. UPPSA book exchange in online! Go to to post your books.
• Academic or Assistantship Advocacy- Any MUPPs with concerns about department-wide academic issues are encouraged to contact UPPSA at with your feedback about the program. The Board of UPPSA meets regularly with the UPP department and the Dean of CUPPA. Let us be your advocate. Also, for those students with assistantships, UPPSA President Bob Fuller is also the Graduate Employee Organization (GEO) steward for CUPPAH. If you feel you have been treated unfairly in your assistantship (Teaching, Graduate or Research) feel free to contact him at to get connected with the GEO’s grievance resources.
• If you have important news for fellow MUPPs and you would like it included in the President’s Weekly Roundup and/or on the UPPSA website email by 2 p.m. each Sunday.