Performs professional work as principle demographer for City of Chicago. Develops and maintains the City's standard data set that provides City Staff with a single consistent and accurate source of data for use in their work. Develops a plan for promoting City census activities, and ensures that City of Chicago's census data achieves a high level of accuracy. Provides briefings to City officials and staff on a regular basis regarding census activities and about implications of the census data. Maintains a public website with the census tract, block group and block coverage's to be used in the City's Demographic Information System for analysis, map production and display on the City's website. Develops redistricting scenarios and identifies potential issues for election districts in support of the City's redistricting efforts. Assembles and interprets data relating to demographics and economic statistics at state, regional an local government level. Develops and maintains data layers and determines methodologies for conducting demographic and economic spatial analysis using Geographic Information System. Performs independent work in the development and coordination of data analysis. Performs analyses of economic and demographic trends or other quantitative analyzes on a variety of subject areas. Prepares, edits, and presents technical reports and maps. Click for More
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