Tuesday, September 30, 2008

News: College students adapt to high gas prices

Source: The Christian Science Monitor

Instead of driving, students opt to walk, ride public transportation, or use Zipcar

College students are arguably the group most sensitive to swings in gasoline prices and the quickest to adjust. So how has the dorm set reacted as the price at the pump surged then declined somewhat to a $3.64 national average?

They're finding inventive ways to spend less time behind the wheel, and university administrators are finding creative ways to assist them.

Just like the rest of Americans, students are mulling whether to use public transportation. Nationwide, ridership has been on an upswing. This year, public transportation ridership soared to over 2.8 billion trips in the second quarter of 2008 – an increase of about 140 million rides compared with trips taken in 2007, according to the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). Of these riders, some 10.7 percent of public transit riders are students, according to a May 2007 study by the APTA.

Campuses have also seen a shift in students' commuting behaviors. At Michigan State University, cars in the university's commuter parking lot have declined 25 percent to 1,661 vehicles in the past year, according to the campus police. And biking to campus has also picked up speed among students. During July and August, students registered 2,346 bikes – an increase from the 858 bikes registered during the same months in 2003, the police said.

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Opinion: New York City, Tear Down These Walls

Source: The New York Times

New York Times architecture critic Nicolai Ouroussoff argues that some buildings make the city worse, and lists of some that need to be demolished. Included in his list are Penn Station, Madison Square Garden and Astor Place.

"Instead of crying over what can’t be built, why not refocus our energies on knocking down the structures that not only fail to bring us joy, but actually bring us down?"

"Ugliness, of course, should not be the only criterion. There are countless dreadful buildings in New York; only a few (thankfully) have a traumatic effect on the city."

"So the list will not include affronts that are merely aesthetic. To be included, buildings must either exhibit a total disregard for their surrounding context or destroy a beloved vista. Removing them would make room for the spirit to breathe again and open up new imaginative possibilities."

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News: Lessons of '86 helped, couldn't prevent new flood

Source: Daily Herald

Last week's flooding along the Des Plaines River sparked memories of the twin deluges of 1986 and '87, while raising questions as to why the lessons of 20 years ago couldn't prevent a repeat.

Experts say stormwater improvements inspired by those '80s floods aren't complete even now. Even if they were, they wouldn't necessarily have been able to hold back the downpour of Sept. 13.

The '86 flood was caused by days of rain that made the river level rise gradually. On Oct. 1, 1986, it crested in Des Plaines at 2 feet above the previous 1938 record and took a week to recede from thousands of homes and businesses.

The storm of Aug. 13-14, 1987, was a more sudden onslaught, with 9-plus inches of rain reported in 18 hours at O'Hare International Airport.

That deluge caused even more regional damage - and inspired officials not to take catastrophic flooding as isolated, once-in-a-lifetime events.

The recent storm was like a combination of '86 and '87, said Des Plaines Director of Engineering Tim Oakley. While caused by a single, deluge like in '87, it had its strongest effect on the river, similar to but not as bad as '86.

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CMAP letter on draft EIS - Canadian National Railway proposed aquisition of EJ&E railway.

Today we will submit the final version of our letter to the Surface Transportation Board (link to document) regarding its draft Environmental Impact Statement on CN's proposed acquisition of the EJ&E railway. This issue has sparked debate across the region, with some communities vehemently opposed and others just as vehemently in favor. The letter describes five "requests for conditions" -- specific issues that we believe the STB should retain authority over in the event that volumes exceed CN's Operating Plan.

Unfortunately, the federal EIS process was not established in a way that carefully considers the best overall interests of a region. As our letter states, "Despite those limitations (of the process), we urge you (the STB) to ensure that the regional perspective is not just incidental
-- in CMAP's view, it should be paramount." The STB has said its decision could come in December or January.

Events: ULI - Future Challenges for Real Estate Development

"Playing the Game of Chess:
Future Challenges for Real Estate Development"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Union League Club of Chicago
Crystal Room
65 W. Jackson Boulevard

8:00 a.m. - Registration, Networking & Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. - "Playing the Game of Chess: Future Challenges for Real Estate Development"
9:15 a.m. - Awards Presentation
10:00 a.m. - Adjourn

Guest Speaker:
William H. Hudnut III
Senior Resident Fellow, ULI/Joseph C. Canizaro Chair Public Policy, ULI - the Urban Land Institute

Scott Goldstein, Principal, Teska Associates & Vice Chair-Public Policy, ULI Chicago

Community Vision Awards presented by:
Mayor Joe Cook, Channahon, IL, & Vice Chair, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus
Ed Hoffman, President, Castlewood Homes & Member, Home Builders Association of Greater Chicago
Joanna Trotter, Manager, Community Building Initiative, Metropolitan Planning Council

2008 Community Vision Award Winners:

DownTown Park Forest, Park Forest
Developer: Village of Park Forest
Mayor John A. Ostenburg
Located in Park Forest, IL, the transformation of the Park Forest Plaza to a new, revitalized business district, DownTown Park Forest is full of examples of innovation and creativity in public/private partnerships.

The Margot & Harold Schiff Residences, Chicago
Developer: Mercy Housing Lakefront
Alderman Walter Burnett, Jr., 27th Ward
The Schiff Residences (96 units) serves formerly homeless, disabled and very low-income single adults. It is located in the neighborhood formerly dominated by Cabrini-Green housing developments.

Special Recognition: Pacific Garden Mission, Chicago
Planner/Architect: Tigerman McCurry Architects, Ltd.
Alderman Robert W. Fioretti, 2nd Ward
Now located on South Canal Street, the Pacific Garden Mission is the largest continuously operating rescue mission in the country. The new 156,000 s.f. facility is LEED Silver Certified.

Community Vision Trkla Award: Winner will be announced at event.
A new award category that honors an upcoming leader in the real estate industry who shows a commitment to sensible land-use, civic spirit and community involvement.

Registration Fee: $35 per person


Registration Deadline: October 13, 2008

News: Ecuador 1st Nation in World to Give Nature Rights Via Constitution

Source: Eco Worldly

Exit polls indicate that a majority of Ecuadorians have voted yes to a new constitution. The constitution is the first in the world’s history to grant nature legal rights, and also to allow individuals to sue on nature’s behalf in courts. It is a major victory for Ecuador’s President, Rafael Correa.

Ecuador’s El Comercio provides data from three separate exit polls which when averaged indicate that around 66.47% of voters said yes on the referendum to pass the new constitution (a strong enough majority to say that the Constitution has passed in this writer’s opinion).

Click for full story

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Community Service: Volunteer positions at Breakthrough Urban Ministries

MUPP Students,

If you're looking for an opportunity to impact the lives of others in need and affect change in your own life while gaining excellent community development experience, please check out the volunteer positions at Breakthrough Urban Ministries @ http://www.breakthroughministries.com/Volunteer/index.php.

Breakthrough Urban Ministries demonstrates the compassion of Christ by providing neighborhood-based holistic services that empower individuals, families and urban communities to overcome poverty, addiction and isolation. Based in Chicago, Breakthrough was founded on the north side of the city, but now operates programs on the city's west side. These include homeless centers and services for men and women, a street outreach to women in prostitution, and a youth & family outreach program.
Kemberle Taylor
Master Candidate Urban Planning and Policy
UPPSA Representative

UPPSA TOD in Greektown at 9 Muses

Thanks to everyone who made it out to 9 Muses in Greektown for the UPPSA TOD. We all had a great time. Thanks to Kemberle for hosting the post-TOD presidential debate watching. Remember the more TOD's you attend the more chances you have to win one excellent end of the year prize, trust me, it is well worth it!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

UPPSA TOD in Greektown: 9 Muses

Just a reminder that the UPPSA TOD is this Friday Sept, 26th @ 6pm

9 Muses
Neighborhoods: Near West Side, Greektown

315 S Halsted St
(between Gladys Ave & Jackson Blvd)
Chicago, IL 60661
(312) 902-9922

We hope to see you all there!!


Angela Larsen, J.D.
Masters Candidate Urban Planning & Policy
Graduate Assistant, Office of Sustainability
UPPSA President

9 Muses Yelp Link

Hull House Event


Drop in for an hour or two and join us for pickling, canning and preserving fruits and vegetables for our Hull-House Kitchen. You will learn about preservation techniques and about the first generation of feminist, home economists that worked at Hull-House and with the Hull- House Reformers. You will also go home with a jar of delicious canned goods!

Oct 6 th, Monday 12-4:00 PM
Oct 8 th, Wednesday- 12-4:00 PM
Oct 13th, Monday 12-4:00 PM
Oct 22nd, Wednesday 12-4:00 PM
Oct 27th, Monday 12-4:00 PM

Click for More

Job Opportunity: Temporary Survey Help with Chicago Public School Study

We are seeking assistance for data collection on a research project evaluating a social and character development curriculum in the Chicago Public Schools. This is a temporary, hourly position.

We need people who are available the morning of October 7 and 14, the morning of October 2, and the afternoons of October 2, October 9, and October 16. Availability for training on Friday, September 26 (11-1) is highly preferred.

Please contact Naida Silverthorn (naida@uic.edu) or Joseph Day
(jday5@uic.edu) if you are interested.


UPPSA members,

There are two deadline approaching:

1) UPPSA registration forms - if you want to be an UPPSA member you must have you membership form turned in and dues paid by OCT. 1st.

2) Conference FREE accomodation - if you want to qualify for free accomodations you must register for the IL-APA state conference and turn in your registration receipt be OCT. 1st

For more information about the IL-APA state conference please see the attached file.

You can turn your forms, dues, and receipts into Ann Barnds.


Angela Larsen, J.D.
Masters Candidate Urban Planning & Policy Graduate Assistant, Office of Sustainability UPPSA President

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Daley letting huge Loop TIF die

Source: Crain's Chicago Business

City Hall is putting a lid on Mayor Richard M. Daley’s favorite honey pot.

Facing apparent opposition from Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the Daley administration is abandoning efforts to extend the legal life of the massive Central Loop tax increment financing district, which covers a wide swath of Chicago’s commercial heart.

The decision means the district automatically will sunset on Dec. 31 — and it means that the more than $111 million it has been throwing off each year for development projects instead will return to the regular property tax pool.

Click for Full Story

Public Administration Panel Series Event: Summer Internships

If you are planning to apply for internships next summer, the time to begin your search and application process is now.  PASA would like to help by inviting you to the following event:
WHEN:     Friday, October 17th from 5:00-6:30PM in CUPPA 110

WHAT:     M.P.A. students with recent internship experience will speak about their work, their organizations, and will offer some advice for those planning to intern next summer (or year).  This is a rare and valuable opportunity to hear and ask questions about multiple internships (government and NPO) from the student perspective.  Light refreshments will be served and a happy hour at Jak's Tap will follow.   

PANELISTS (and Organizations):  
Richard Payton, New Vision for Public Schools
Basia Bhojraj, Chicago Transit Authority
Kimberly Morris, Chicago Metropolis 2020, Village of Skokie, Richton Park
John Heroff, City of Chicago
Natalie Marquez, Village of Skokie, Pub. Mgt.
Kenneth, Gilkes, Chicago Housing Authority
Marla Parker, Environmental Protection Agency

Also, if there are any students who are still interested in joining this panel - you are more than welcome.  Send an email to basia26@gmail.com with your name, the organization, your concentration, and expected date of graduation.  

All students planning to intern next year should begin their search and application process as soon as possible, don't wait until the spring semester.

Monday, September 22, 2008

“The Next Forty Years of Fair Housing: Developing an Agenda for Integration”

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
UIC Forum, UIC campus

The year 2008 marks 40 years since the passage of the Fair Housing Act (Act) of l968.  The Act was not only about protecting individual rights, it was also about fostering residential integration.  This ‘forward-looking’ conference will focus on research, policies, and programs that move beyond issues of enforcement of anti-discrimination to examine the barriers to integration.  Researchers, policymakers, and community leaders from universities, government entities, and non-profit organizations will attend this conference and work towards an action agenda for the future.  The conference will be organized around four sessions: (1) Government Policy and Housing Integration; (2) Individual Behavior and Housing Integration; (3) Policies and Programs Promoting Integration: and (4) Developing an Action Agenda.

The conference is co-sponsored by the University of Illinois’ Institute of Government and Public Affairs and the Jane Addams Hull House Association.  

Does Maglev Hurt High Speed Rail?

Source: Metropolis

"Magnetic levitation, which involves running high-speed trains on a cushion of electromagnetic attraction or repulsion (depending on the system), is one of those futuristic ideas that have never quite arrived. I associate maglev less with LaRouche (who has the technology entangled with his vision of a Eurasian land bridge linking all the world’s continents via, in part, the Bering Strait) and more with New York’s late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who in 1988 organized the Maglev Technology Advisory Com mittee. It was the first of many congressional committees, none of which ever allocated more than token funding to about a half-dozen approved maglev projects."

"While we have been dreaming about floating trains, Europe has been methodically threading its cities together with a sophisticated high-speed rail network. The French TGV, a conventional train with earthbound steel wheels, broke the land-speed record last year, hitting 357 miles an hour on a test track. Asia, too, has invested in high-speed rail: the famous Japanese bullet trains have been in operation since the 1960s, and Beijing’s new high-speed line, which debuted for the Olympics, can go as fast as 220 miles an hour. Even Argentina is about to build a 440-mile-long high-speed rail line. What do we have? Well, we’ve got the Northeast Corridor, where Amtrak’s Acela Express can, on a good day—and only on two short stretches in Rhode Island and Massachusetts—reach 150 miles an hour. And, apparently, we’re gearing up to spend an estimated $12 billion linking our two most significant tourist destinations."

Internship: Village of Glenview

The Village of Glenview is seeking an individual to assist the Planning Division, a division of the Development Department. Under supervision, the Planning Intern provides a variety of urban planning work in the areas of current and long-range planning. The intern is responsible for providing routine staff support to Village boards, commissions and committees, staff members and the public. The intern will be assigned responsibility for particular special projects and perform related work as required. Special projects could include text amendments to the existing lighting, sign, parking and subdivision codes, landscaping and sign code design guidelines and researching the site plan review and planned development process.

A full-time fall position is preferred with work hours totaling roughly 35 hours per week with employment generally lasting from October 2008 through December 2008. Hours are generally between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Enrollment in an accredited graduate planning program is desired.

Skills include organizing work, meeting critical deadlines, following up on multiple tasks simultaneously and an appreciation of customer service needs. The intern should be proactive, energetic and a self-starter who works closely with others in a team environment. The intern needs to effectively use electronic media (i.e., e-mail, e-calendar, etc.) in carrying out duties and in communicating and have the ability to learn and utilize Geographic Information Systems.

Employment is contingent upon successful completion of a background check, medical and drug screening.

Hourly Rate: $10.00
Candidates can email, or send resumes and a cover letter to Human Resources at hr@glenview.il.us, please indicate Job # 814 in subject line. Posting will remain open until it is filled.

Human Resources Division
Village of Glenview ٠ 1225 Waukegan Road ٠ Glenview, IL 60025

Job Opportunity: Land Use Planner at Foley & Lardner LLP

Foley & Lardner LLP, a national law firm, seeks a Land Use Planner for its Chicago office. The Land Use Planner assists attorneys and provides direction and guidance to Project Assistants in the fast-paced Land Use practice in the Chicago office’s Real Estate Group. This practice specializes in securing land use, zoning and development approvals from local government entities in the Chicago region and throughout the nation. Exciting clients represent the health care, retail, shopping center, mixed use, senior housing, and other industries.

Qualifications include 2-3 years of private- or public-sector work experience in land planning, real estate development, architecture, or engineering. A bachelor’s degree is required with preference given to an advanced degree.

To apply, please visit: http://apps.foley.com/staff/

Foley & Lardner LLP is one of the nation's oldest, largest and most reputable law firms. We employ more than 1,400 professional staff who are key players in our delivery of the highest quality legal services and intellectual leadership. Our culture is one of caring team relationships, individual opportunities and comfortable work environments within a stable organization. Our excellent benefits, personal enrichment programs, advanced technology and training, up-to-date legal resources, and challenging work all make Foley a special place to grow.

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Internship: Village of Oswego

The Village of Oswego is seeking an Environmental Planner Intern to perform administrative and environmental planning functions in the Community Development Department.

Responsibilities include providing information and education to the public, developers, and the Village regarding environmental planning matters, as well as providing technical support to the Village Board.

This temporary, part-time internship will last approximately one year. Work hours will be approximately 10 hours per week during regular dayshift office hours with some evening and weekend work as needed.

Candidates should be working towards a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in Planning, Environmental Planning, Geography, Landscape Architecture, or related field. Excellent customer service, interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills required. Proficiency in Microsoft Office software applications including word processing and Excel applications required.

Submit resume and/or application to: The Village of Oswego Human Resource Department, 100 Parkers Mill, Oswego, IL 60543; fax: 630/554-3306; email humanresources@oswegoil.org.

Application deadline: October 10, 2008

Click for More

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ferhat Zerin: 2007-2008 Teacher of the Year Award

Source: UIC NEWS (Sept. 17th, 2008)

Ferhat Zerin: “To me as a new teacher, it’s amazing how, with just a little inspiration, students can take an idea and run with it.”

Ferhat Zerin’s urban planning and policy students chose her as the 2007-2008 teacher of the year — not bad for someone who’s only spent two semesters in the classroom.

“I was very surprised,” Zerin said.

Click for Story

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Top 10 Cities for Jobs and Economic Growth

Source: U.S. News and World Reports

The Milken Institute/Greenstreet Real Estate Partners is out with its latest report ranking metro areas in the United States "by how well they are creating and sustaining jobs and economic growth. The components include job, wage, and salary and technology growth."

[ . . . ]

Among the nation's 200 largest metros, these are the top 10 performers of 2008 (with their 2007 rankings in parentheses):

  1. Provo-Orem, Utah (8)
  2. Raleigh-Cary, North Carolina (10)
  3. Salt Lake City, Utah (18)
  4. Austin-Round Rock, Texas (20)
  5. Huntsville, Alabama (16)
  6. Wilmington, North Carolina (2)
  7. McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, Texas (7)
  8. Tacoma, Washington (50)
  9. Olympia, Washington (37 in the 2007 ranking of small metros)
  10. Charleston-North Charleston, South Carolina (12)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

US State Dept. Critical Languages Scholarship

**** 2009 Application Now Available ****



The United States Department of State and the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) are pleased to announce the availability of overseas scholarships for intensive summer language institutes in eleven critical need foreign languages for summer 2009.

ARABIC * AZERBAIJANI * BANGLA/BENGALI * CHINESE * HINDI KOREAN * PERSIAN * PUNJABI * RUSSIAN * TURKISH * URDU Countries may include: Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Russia, South Korea, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, or others where the target languages are spoken.

Critical Language Scholarships (CLS) provide seven to ten week group-based intensive language instruction and extensive cultural enrichment experiences at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels (beginning not offered for Azerbaijani, Russian, Chinese or Persian). Full program details and number of scholarships available per language are available on our website, www.CLScholarship.org.

The CLS Program is part of the National Security Language Initiative (NSLI), a U.S. government interagency effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical need foreign languages. Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply. Participants are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period, and later apply their critical language skills in their future professional careers in any field.

Deadline to Apply: On-line application must be submitted by 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time
Friday, November 14, 2008.


Harvesting Rainwater by Not Letting It Go to Waste

Source: NPR Morning Edition

Big rains slammed the West this week — big news in a region that has gotten used to dry weather.

Now some city governments are looking to rain to ease their water woes.

Thousands of years old, the concept is catching on in drought-prone areas, including Tucson, Ariz., where Brad Lancaster lives. He's the author of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond.

As Lancaster explains, harvesting rainwater means to "capture the rain as close as possible to where it falls, and then to use it as close as possible to where it falls."

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Trading Places: The demographic inversion of the American city

Source: The New Republic

In the past three decades, Chicago has undergone changes that are routinely described as gentrification, but are in fact more complicated and more profound than the process that term suggests. A better description would be "demographic inversion." Chicago is gradually coming to resemble a traditional European city--Vienna or Paris in the nineteenth century, or, for that matter, Paris today. The poor and the newcomers are living on the outskirts. The people who live near the center--some of them black or Hispanic but most of them white--are those who can afford to do so.

Developments like this rarely occur in one city at a time, and indeed demographic inversion is taking place, albeit more slowly than in Chicago, in metropolitan areas throughout the country. The national press has paid very little attention to it. While we have been focusing on Baghdad and Kabul, our own cities have been changing right in front of us.

[ . . . ]

If you want to see this sort of thing writ large, you can venture just across the Canadian border to Vancouver, a city roughly the size of Washington, D.C. What makes it unusual--indeed, at this point unique in all of North America--is that roughly 20 percent of its residents live within a couple of square miles of each other in the city's center. Downtown Vancouver is a forest of slender, green, condo skyscrapers, many of them with three-story townhouse units forming a kind of podium at the base. Each morning, there are nearly as many people commuting out of the center to jobs in the suburbs as there are commuting in. Two public elementary schools have opened in downtown Vancouver in the past few years. A large proportion of the city's 600,000 residents, especially those with money, want to live downtown.

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Everything Is Going To Be Alright: Demolition and adaptive reuse in Detroit

Source: Next American City

Once hailed as “The Paris of The West” and a national center for investment and development, Detroit has become a symbol of failed urban policy over the past 40 years of decline. Vacant skyscrapers and factories dotting Detroit’s skyline testify to the city’s high water mark, a stirring juxtaposition of old and new, decayed and opulent.

Many Detroiters see these empty buildings as liabilities rather than opportunities. The city’s hesitation to re-use abandoned structures is deeply ingrained: “In a city so starved for investment,” says University of Michigan Professor Scott Kurashige, “Detroit chooses short-term profits from marginally beneficial new developments, like parking lots, over preserving buildings with immense potential.” 

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

PARK(ing) Day 2008

PARK(ing) Day is a one-day, global event centered in San Francisco where artists, activists, and citizens collaborate to temporarily transform metered parking spots into “PARK(ing)” spaces: temporary public parks.

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Events: Friday Forum 9/19: The Struggle for Equitable Development in Pilsen

Friday Forum 9/19 in CUPPA Hall Room 110 @ Noon

The Struggle for Equitable Development in Pilsen

The Pilsen Alliance's mission is to preserve the historic, cultural, and working-class identity of Pilsen by developing grassroots leadership and facilitating advocacy and organizing campaigns that promote self-determination, demand accountability and build democracy to impact social change.

Pilsen Alliance is working with its members and organizations from across Chicago on a campaign for transparency on how TIF (Tax Increment Financing) dollars are being spent. Despite the fact that the TIF can be used as a tool for economic development, it has been used as a tool to displace low and middle-income families across the city.

The TIF has led to drastic increases in property taxes and the funds generated by the TIF have been given to institutions and corporations that have cozy relationships with city officials. The money has NOT been used to secure living-wage jobs or the construction of affordable housing for community members.

Who controls how the money is spent? Who decides what projects to build? Who decides what to do with our tax dollars?
Come hear about the history and background to the struggles over equitable development in Pilsen and learn about the future organizing goals of the Pilsen Alliance.

Alejandra L. Ibanez, Executive Director
Rodrigo Paredes, Community Education Leadership Coordinator
Pilsen Alliance

Monday, September 15, 2008

Job Opportunity: City of Wausau, WI

The CITY OF WAUSAU, WI, population 40,000, is commencing a search to fill an Associate City Planner/Zoning Administrator position.

This position will assist in the administration of the City’s zoning ordinance and provide support for current and long term physical and economic development planning for the City.

This position requires accuracy, proficiency and independent judgment in the administration of the zoning ordinance and implementation of the City Comprehensive Plan related to land use, growth staging, annexation, transportation, economic development and capital improvements planning.

Minimum requirements include a Bachelor’s Degree in urban or regional planning, public administration or closely related field with a minimum of two years of progressively responsible experience in urban planning or community development preferred; valid WI driver’s license; availability for off-hour work assignments, meetings and activities.

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News: Durbin pushing investment in Amtrak system

Source: Chicago Tribune

Amtrak ridership nationally is booming, seats are sold out on many routes through Illinois and the cash-strapped national passenger railroad is limping along the tracks with 35-year-old coaches and baggage cars dating to the Eisenhower presidency.

That's the predicament Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) lashed out at Wednesday as he called for a major reinvestment in Amtrak service and reviving rail-car manufacturing in the U.S. to create thousands of jobs.

Amtrak ticket sales indicate that the public appetite for inter-city rail service frequently outstrips the supply of trains, due in part to gas prices hitting record levels this year and, looking ahead, airline cutbacks already sending airfares soaring for the Thanksgiving and winter travel periods.

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Prefab: From Utilitarian Home To Design Icon

Prefab: From Utilitarian Home To Design Icon

Source: NPR Morning Edition

Some of the world's most famous architects have tried to use mass production techniques to design houses.

Now, an exhibit at New York's Museum of Modern Art explores the history of the prefab house. The exhibit comes as computer design is revolutionizing the way prefabricated houses are constructed.

Click for story

Friday, September 12, 2008

Event: UPPSA Scavenger Hunt

Come to our Scavenger Hunt this Saturday from 11-2pm.

This scavenger hunt will illuminate some useful services and resources on campus specific to MUPP students. We created this scavenger hunt after brainstorming things we wish we had known but were not told during the program orientation. Our aim is to provide an interesting way to become familiar with these resources and to provide another opportunity to get to know your colleagues.

We will first meet in the basement of CUPPA Hall and afterwards, we are going to have lunch and mingle.

The National Charrette Institute debut training in Chicago

Announcing The NCI Charrette System Certificate Training
Debuting in Chicago and Portland this October

A major rewrite to the NCI Certificate program, including:
• sustainability measures
• charrette video
• four diverse case studies
• new group exercises
NCI Charrette Management and Facilitation Certificate Training
Also debuting in Portland in October

This revised training includes:
• The essentials of detailed day-to-day charrette management
• The indispensable skills of public meeting planning and facilitation

These trainings have been approved for AICP and AIA continuing education credits.

For more information, visit our programs page.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Events: UPPSA General Meeting Friday 5-6pm in the Grad Student Lounge

Hello MUPP Students!

UPPSA (Urban Planning & Policy Student Association) would like to invite you to our first general assembly meeting of the semester!

Friday September 12th at 5-6pm in the Grad Student Lounge, in the basement of CUPPA Hall.

Reasons you should come:
1. Mingle with fellow students
2. Learn how to get involved with your college and your community
3. Free refreshments!
4. It's been a while since you've visited the CUPPAH basement lounge.
5. You needed an event to fill up that troublesome Friday, 5-6pm time slot anyway.

What you should bring:
1. If you haven't already filled one out for Fall 2008, please print out and complete the attached Membership Registration Form and bring it to the meeting.

2. If you are a new student or became an UPPSA member last fall, we need your dues ($15, check or money order made payable to UPPSA).

3. If you are interested in being an APA PSO member or the 1st year student APA rep, fill out the respective form (attached) and bring it to the meeting.

4. This is the really important one: In order to give you all the member benefits, we have to have your UIN, so, if nothing else, please remember to at least bring your I-Card with you.

5. Also, we will be deciding on special committees this Friday. Take a gander at the committee descriptions (attached) to see which one is the best fit for you.

If you cannot make it to the meeting, but would like to be involved, please send an email back to uppsainfo [at] gmail.com with your information and any questions you may have.

The Illinois Chapter of the American Planning Association Pro Bono Committee is looking for volunteers!

The Illinois Chapter of the American Planning Association Pro Bono Committee is looking for volunteers!

The Illinois Chapter of the American Planning Association Pro Bono Committee has been invited by the Community Arts Council of Kankakee County (CAC) to assist them with feasibility activities related to a possible arts center in downtown Kankakee. The CAC has an opportunity to take ownership of two adjacent historic buildings as a donation from a local developer. A charrette has been scheduled for September 20, 2008.

Visit http://www.ilapa.org/probono.html for more information.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Robotic Bicycle Parking in Tokyo, Japan

News: Maxwell Street moves again

Maxwell Street Market is on the move again

Source: Chicago Tribune

The Maxwell Street Market was held for the last time on Canal Street on Sunday as the city moves vendors next week a few blocks away to Desplaines Street, a change that will take the market even farther from its eclectic roots.

For about 120 years, the market was on Maxwell Street, stretching west from Halsted Street. In 1994, it moved to Canal Street, the victim of expansion by a more politically connected institution, the University of Illinois at Chicago.

At the time, some mourned the loss of a vibrant part of city history. But many vendors eventually came to be comfortable with the tighter security on Canal Street, and they could appreciate the tighter regulation that made the market more respectable.

Click for Full Story

Other interesting Maxwell Street links:
Maxwell Blues
Encyclopedia of Chicago: Maxwell Street

News; Huberman, Brown Warn of CTA Fare Hikes via WBEZ

Huberman, Brown Warn of CTA Fare Hikes

Source: WBEZ, Chicago,IL

Chicago Transit Authority President Ron Huberman and the agency's board chair, Carole Brown, announced cost-cutting measures today. Taking questions from reporters, they said fare hikes next year may be necessary to offset higher costs and lower-than-expected tax revenue.

Click for Story

More CTA Related Links:
Chicago "L" .org
Chicago Transit Press webpage

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Call for Presenters: Urban Bicycling

To all instructors, professors, and students of higher education within the great city of Chicago:

The UIC College of Cycling seeks to bill 4 - 6 academic minds to a table of presentations on the subject "bicycling in the urban environment". All academic careers are welcome (ex.: physics of bicycling/bicycles, sociology of cycling community/traffic, urban planning and cycling, civil engineering for cycling, psychology of cycling, and so on...). Each member will present a piece of original work/study to a general audience. This event is taking place in October as part of UIC's 1st ever Transportation Week event -- established to celebrate urban transportation best practices. To notify your interest in participating, please contact Kevin by Sept. 10 at noon via email: kmonahan@uic.edu or phone: 312-413-0410.

-Kevin Monahan

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Events: Great Cities Institute Seminar Series

Great Cities Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago is pleased to present as part of the Great Cities Institute Seminar Series


Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 3:00 p.m.
Great Cities Institute Large Conference Room
Suite 400, Room 418, CUPPA Hall, 412 S. Peoria, Chicago IL 60607

Patterns of governance in neighborhood policy have changed, with foundations playing a larger role than in the past. Today, neighborhood policy is decided in the “civic sphere” as well as in the arena of ward politics. Initiatives in Chicago present the opportunity to explore the role of foundations, and also suggest some of the tensions and difficulties inherent in comprehensive neighborhood regeneration within the American intergovernmental system. This research is part of a cross-national project on “Regenerating Urban Neighborhoods” in 18 cities and 11 countries in North America and Europe.

John Betancur and Douglas Gills of Urban Planning and Policy are also part of the Chicago research team.

Karen Mossberger is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration. Her research interests include local governance, urban policy, and digital inequality, and she is currently co-editing the Oxford Handbook of Urban Politics.

Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 3:00 p.m.
Great Cities Institute, 4th Floor CUPPA Hall
412 S. Peoria Street, Chicago, IL 60607

RSVP appreciated (312) 996-8700

We look forward to seeing you.

Events: Experience UIC!

Hi Guys!

Don't miss out on the Experience UIC!'s

Pedaling Ahead: Planning for Bicycle Transportation & Transit

This Saturday (Sept. 6th) from 1-2:30pm.

This is a great opportunity to learn about land use planning and bike transportation from experts in the field:

Panelists & Moderator
-Craig Williams, T Y Lin
-Steven Vance, City of Chicago
-Rob Sadowsky, Chicagoland Bicycle Federation
-Moderator: John O'Neal, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

Check out the website: http://www.uic.edu/cuppa/ExperienceUIC.htm

Register as soon as possible. There are only 25 more spots available!!!


-Valbona Kokoshi, UPPSA APA Representative

Internship: Tinley Park Economic Development

Tinley Park, Illinois (Metro Southwest Chicago-Interstate 80 Corridor – population 60,000)

Recognized as National Winner for Economic Development Excellence by the U.S. Department of Commerce

Fantastic Internship opportunity in one of the fastest growing cities in the Midwest. A city with a broad-based and diverse economy. Intern will have extensive hands-on opportunity to work on planning for the only Class A Office Park in Chicago’s Southwest region; downtown redevelopment, transit-oriented development, business park planning and promotion, new retail shopping centers, new manufacturing and distribution, real estate, finance, economic development research, and development incentives.

Position available immediately.
Send resume via e-mail to Ivan Baker, CEcD – Director of Economic Development – ibaker@tinleypark.org
For more information, call 708-444-5030 and check out the award-winning website – www.TinleyParkBiz.biz

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Internship: Chicago Park District - Department of Planning and Development

Chicago Park District - Department Of Planning & Development

Job Title: Student Intern (Planning & Development) Seasonal

Duties: Assists and participates in the analysis and evaluation of budgetary and financial data. Assists in program coordination and evaluation. Prepares and reviews various reports and resolves discrepancies with supervisor. Attends meetings when necessary with the other officials and organizations or as a representative of an executive. Conducts research related to a variety of special projects and prepares reports. Assists in the coordination of programs and communication components of assigned projects. Provides technical assistance for incorporating effective administrative practices into planning agendas. Works with other departments when needed to promote effective communication and liaison activities related to programs, projects and various reports. May prepare spreadsheets and graphic presentations for meetings.

MINIMIUM QUALIFICATIONS:Enrolled in a college or university or Bachelors degree or enrollment in a graduate program or an equivalent combination of training and experience.

Application Period: 8/18/08-9/01/08

2008 Salary: $8.16-$12.94 per hour

Any vacancy posted is pending Budget approval. *Resumes must be submitted at the time of application. Selection will be based on information provided on the application form and documents submitted with the application form. Names of qualified applicants will be placed on an employment list. Being on an employment list is not an offer or guarantee of employment with the Chicago Park District. An employment list is merely a statement of eligibility. Consistent with the
Americans with Disabilities Act, applicants may request accommodations needed to participate in the application process.
Residency in the City of Chicago is required of all employees. Proof of residency will be required at the time of employment.


Video: Songdo City, Building a 35 billion dollar city from scratch.

Source: MSNBC

Aug. 27: Songdo IBD, the world's largest real estate project, is currently being built along South Korea's coast. John Hynes from Gale International explains to CNBC why the city for 65,000 is being built all at once.

Click for video

Thanks to Mike Sobczak