Monday, September 27, 2010

UPPSA President's Weekly Roundup- September 26th

Greetings from "the new" Normal! This past week 11 UIC MUPPs attended the American Planning Association Illinois Chapter state conference in Normal, IL. It was a great chance to network, learn about what’s hot in Illinois planning, match wits in a geography-heavy pub quiz and explore many of Normal’s interesting features, such as the extensive Constitution Trail. Conference presentations should be posted to by Monday, September 27th.

Please peruse this week’s UPPSA news and action items:·
  • APA-IL conference attendees should submit related receipts to Jackie Scanlan as soon as possible.
  • Applications to become the new APA-IL student representative are due on October 15th. Further information about the position and the application are available at
  • UPPSA dues and membership forms are due to Ann Barnds by October 1st. This document is also available at and checks or money orders should be written to UPPSA.
  • A 30-mile bike tour of Chicago is planned for Saturday, October 16th. Join UPPSA members on a fun way to see the city and enjoy that fall air. RSVP at
  • MUPPs involved in UIC’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders were featured in the UIC Alumni Magazine
  • Great Cities Insitute is hosting a speaker event: New Urban Development Looking Back to See Forward, with Claude Gruen from Gruen Gruen + Associates. This Friday, October 1, 20102:00pm – 3:30pm at The Great Cities Institute, 412 S. Peoria St, 4th FL, CUPPAH 400. Please RSVP at
  • Friday, October 1st, UPP and UPPSA bring you the first event in "UPP Next: A professional development series" with a mentorship roundtable with APA-IL and CUPPA Alumni, from 12-1 in Room 110 of CUPPA Hall.

If you have important news for fellow MUPPs and you would like it included in the President’s Weekly Roundup and/or on the UPPSA website email by 2 p.m. each Sunday.

Have a great week,

Bob Fuller

President- UPPSA

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

President's Roundup- September 14th

Happy September!

This new semester is off to a busy start. The UPPSA board hopes to keep all MUPPs well informed. We will institute a weekly update of all UPPSA news and as always our is your one-stop shopping for association news, documents and discussions. If you miss a General Assembly meeting, notes from each meeting will be posted on the websited.

UPPSA Membership-
UPPSA Membership Applications, Renewals, and Dues are due by October 1st, 2010. You can download an application from (it is attached to this email too) and turn in your application and $15 check (made out to UPPSA) to Ann Barnds' or directly to Jackie Scanlan or any UPPSA board member. If Ann's door is closed, you can slip your documents under the door.
UPPSA members will recoup their $15 dues when they apply for reimbursement for any APA Conference. While all MUPPs who apply for reimbursements receive funds, depending on the amount of applicants, UPPSA members may receive additional reimbursements on top of the total determined for all MUPP applicants!

APA-IL Conference -
Just because the conference registration date has passed, doesn't mean you have to miss out on the event! You can sign up for the event on the day of, by paying cash, check or credit card, either for the individual day or for the whole conference! There are a bunch of great events planned, such as a 5k on Thursday morning, economic development with promotion a wineries, bike tours, an international film festival, and a wind farm tour. If you are still interested in attending the conference AND have not already sign up, please email so that we can get a head count

And if you are worried about the cost of the conference, dont be! UPP has agreed to pay for the student's registration cost(up to $90). In addition, UPPSA will be giving up to $50 to students who have paid their membership dues by the date of the conference, and APA-CMS has offered some more money to offset the costs, is you are an UPPSA member as well. So get your dues in on time!

First Year Representative Application -
The APA-IL 1st year Student Representative application is now online ( Applications are due to UPPSA by October 15th electronically. If you need more info about what the APA-IL rep does, you can download UPPSA's Constitution at the same link, or contact Sara Amaral at .

Park(ing) Day –
On Friday, September 17th students from the Department of Urban Planning and Policy, the Urban Planning and Policy Student Association (UPPSA), and the Office of Sustainability will collaborated to transform 4 metered parking spots into miniature parks on the UIC Campus. Students and passersby are invited to use the parks located in Parking Lot 4 at the corner of Halsted Street and Polk Street to the east of Student Center East. Take the time enjoy an urban sustainability brown bag lunch discussion at noon, toss some bags, or just lounge in the landscaped setting while enjoying bike valet or a basic maintenance provided by your local campus cycle shop, Rapid Transit.

PARK(ing) Day is an annual, worldwide event that inspires city dwellers everywhere to transform metered parking spots into temporary parks for the public good. PARK(ing) Day was first conceived of by an art and design studio named Rebar out of San Francisco to invite civic participation in shaping our public space, and to question how we are using our public streets. In particular it intends to get people thinking about how much of our public landscape is dedicating to parking and automobile use. More info can be found at
We are looking for volunteers to help organize, set up, clean up and man the site during the day as well. If you are interested, please visit UPPSA's website at, or send an email to

In addition, MUPPs and community volunteers from the Edgewater community will be having a satellite PARK(ing) Day at 5838 N. Broadway on Friday from 11am-1pm and Saturday from 9:30am-12 noon. The focus of our PARK will be on-street bicycle parking and will feature a bike valet. Stop by and join us if you are in the neighborhood.

General Assembly/Transit Oriented Dining-
Following PARK(ing) Day we will hold the September GA meeting and TOD at the Twisted Spoke, 501 N. Ogden Ave, at 6pm. Join us for further discussion of UPPSA events and news, and to have a good time.We hope you can join us for the General Assembly, the TOD or both.

See you there,
Bob Fuller- President

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sept 17th - General Assembly meeting & TOD - In one location!

Hello everyone.

We hope your first few weeks of class are going well. Please come out to the 2nd general assembly of the year for all MUPP students, hosted once again by your favorite graduate student board, UPPSA.

You will be receiving another email shortly about the terrific Parking Day event happening on Friday afternoon. After the event, the student assembly meeting will start at 6:00 at a nearby bar/restaurant in the upstairs patio:

Twisted Spoke
501 N. Ogden Ave.
Chicago, IL 60642
(312) 666-1500

Directions: Walking/Cycling/Driving -- Take Halsted north for about 1 mile until Grand. Go West on Grand for a half-mile until the intersection with Ogden Ave.

CTA -- Take the Blue Line north until the Chicago stop. Then walk 3 blocks southwest on Ogden towards the intersection with Grand Ave.

To RSVP for the event, please go to before Thursday 9/16 so we can get a rough head count to make our reservation. Please let me know if you have any other questions. We hope to see you there!

APA-IL Reimbursement

As the APA-IL State Conference approaches, many of you may be curious as to how the reimbursement process will work. The Conference is September22-24. In short, it will be necessary for you to either scan in or forward your conference receipt showing your payment on or before **SEPTEMBER 15, 2010** to After the 15th, no more receipts will be accepted! UPPSA will then be able to assess how many students have requested reimbursement against the exact amount of funding for reimbursement, at which time we will calculate the amount that will bereimbursed per student.

Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Sara at
Urban Planning and Policy Student Association
2010 APA Illinois State Planning ConferenceReimbursement Policies and Procedures
Reimbursement Guidelines

a ) Funding for reimbursement of conference-related expenses is being provided by theChicago Metro Section of the APA and is being supplemented by UPPSA funds. UPPSAhas agreed to take on the responsibility of administering all reimbursements.
b ) The amount of subsidy that an eligible student will receive will depend on the amount offunds available as well as the number of students submitting receipts. Therefore, finalsubsidy amounts will not be known until at least two weeks after the final date of theconference.
c ) Where UPPSA funds are used to supplement reimbursements, the subsidy amountallocated to UPPSA Members will be greater than that allocated to non-members. Thedifferential will be $15 at a minimum, which is the cost of UPPSA membership.
d ) It is not anticipated that there will be sufficient funds to cover the full cost of registration.
e ) Sufficient funds are not available to cover any other cost of attending the conference (forexample, food, incidentals, etc.).

f) All MUPP students who have submitted a receipt for 2010 APA Illinois State PlanningConference registration by the deadline of September 15th to willbe considered eligible for reimbursement.

Additional Notes
g ) Receipts can be submitted as soon as they are available. Please use “APA-IL ConferenceReceipt” as your e-mail subject line.
h ) Receipts as well as questions and concerns should be sent to the UPPSA Board

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Transportation Design: Expanding the Frontiers" Conference

Transportation sector is a BIG part in the new world equation, where everything is in a state of change, local and global. All the facets in this world of motion share this space, the trucks, the railways, the ATV's, the buses, the bicycles, the metros, the motor homes, the motor bikes... But can they work together? Can they build upon each other, are there any overlaps?
Let’s see the future of mobility. How things may evolve for transportation. What might be the needs of the emerging cities? Let’s see the world from the people, who are designing the next of these mobile worlds, let’s see how they perceive the future. Let’s see how they study the next trends and how vehicles are designed and developed to cater to the unmet needs of the end users, let’s see how the world can be greener and sustainable.
Let’s see how we can, together, strive for a better world…

Conference micro site: When: 2010 Sept 17, Friday, Full day event Where: Michigan State University, Troy, MIExpected Audience: About 300Mix: Designers, Students, Educators, Creative Professionals, Design Studio Vendors...Conference Chair: register by sending an email to :

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Graduate Student Oppotunities!

Graduate Student BBQ:

*GSC & GC 2nd Annual Graduate Student BBQ*
*Date/Time: *Thursday, Sept 16 2010, 4pm-6pm
*Location:* SEO Field (corner of Taylor + Morgan St.)
Sponsored by the GSC and the Graduate College.
Mark your calendars for an afternoon of food, fun and games!
Open to ALL graduate students but you *must* show a print-out of this

2) Call for Student Participation:

*SIGMA XI Annual Meeting and International Research Conference: Call for
Student Participation*

The 2010 Annual Meeting will be held at the Raleigh

Convention Center in Raleigh, North Carolina on November 11 - 14 with

Conference events on Friday the 12th and Saturday the 13th.

Registration is currently online at Abstracts should be
submitted by October 15, 2010.

Awards will be given for outstanding student poster presentations in all
fields of science and engineering.