Monday, February 21, 2011

2011 APA National Conference Reimbursement Information

March 1st--Last Day to submit EITHER a copy of the Conference registration via email OR a $20 Intent to Register check to UPPSA to be eligible for the Student TravelAward (STA) reimbursement

April 9-12--National Conference in Boston, Massachusetts

April 26--Last Day to submit ORIGINAL travel and lodging receipts with properdocuments for reimbursement consideration (we will provide you with thedocuments needed) to UPPSA

In order to be eligible for Student Travel Award reimbursement, you have to submit a copy of your Conference Registration by March 1st. The department needs a total count of MUPP participants by March 1st. We realize that pre-registration continues online until March 10th. So, if you have not registered for the Conference by March 1st, but intend to sign-up, you can submit a $20.00 check to UPPSA by the March 1st deadline in order to hold your spot to be eligible for the STA reimbursement. Once you sign up and submit your Conference registration, we will return your check to you.

If you do not submit either your registration or “placeholder” check by March 1st, you will not be eligible for the Student Travel Award reimbursement fund. The STA fund is the overwhelming bulk of our reimbursement funds, so we highly recommend that you submit either document by March 1st.

The reimbursement totals will vary based on how many MUPPs apply for reimbursement. Each student will receive a maximum of $200.00 from the STA fund. This final amount will be determined by how many MUPPs apply for reimbursement, so the $200 maximum is not guaranteed. The STA funds come from the Department, but all transactions must go through UPPSA.

In addition, alternate funds directly from UPPSA will be used for reimbursement. If you are an UPPSA member, but do not register with UPPSA by March 1st, you may still be eligible for the non-STA funds. However those amounts have not been set and will likely be much smaller amounts.

Please be aware of the deadlines above, as there will be no extensions granted. Please contact me at if you have any questions.

We will be having an information session soon for those who are interested!
Jackie Scanlan

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